
Are you a zoo tour operator bogged down by outdated manual ticketing and tedious spreadsheets? These old methods not only waste time but also fail to attract enough guests. And even resulting in long wait times for those who do come.

Interestingly, a HubSpot study reveals that 68% of consumers are willing to pay more for services known for excellent customer service.

The good news? Modern digital booking system solutions are now transforming zoo operations. And THIS is what we are talking about in this blog. Here, we've got 8 ways on how advanced zoo reservation systems speed up ticket sales, reduce wait times, offer dynamic pricing, facilitate seamless admissions, and boost online reviews.

See how each feature can redefine your zoo visitor experience and make life simpler for you!

Have better zoo experiences today.

1. Simplifying Admissions with QR Code and Barcode Scanning

streamlined zoo admissions enable more seamless visitor experience
Create streamlined zoo admissions by scanning QR codes or barcodes on tickets.

TicketingHub, a leader in innovative digital ticketing solutions for zoos, offers QR code and barcode scanning for quick zoo entry. It's a cool way to get into the zoo with a simple scan, so visitors wait less and explore more. The swift entry process reduces the hassle of physical check-ins, leaving visitors more satisfied.

2. Timed Entry Tickets that Prevent Overcrowding

Free People Watching Polar Bear in Zoo
Zoo guests enjoy their visit more if they are not overcrowded, so there is ample space for them to roam.  

Timed entry tickets are a powerful tool in balancing crowds and preventing overcrowding. By setting up specific entry times, you can ensure a steady stream of guests without flooding any one area.

This system not only boosts positive visitor experience by reducing wait times. But it also helps you better manage inventory and resources. So you can make sure every guest enjoys and feels relaxed during their zoo-venture.

Get a free zoo ticketing software demo here.

3. Sell tickets 24/7 with a Lightweight Booking Widget

let guests book zoo tickets online 24/7 with the payment method of their choice
Make it easy for guests to buy tickets online with their payment method of choice whenever they want.  

Unlike manual bookings, zoo reservation systems let you sell tickets on your website all day long. With it, people can buy tickets to your zoo at any time.

Our clients love this booking widget feature. TicketingHub's widget is also so lightweight that it only takes one line of code to install. Even better, you can customize the widget to match your branding.

Direct bookings through your own site make it easy for visitors to book tickets fast!

4. Providing More Personal Visitor Experiences with Custom Forms

Getting to know and meeting visitor expectations is key to enhance guest experiences. TicketingHub's custom forms let zoos gather guest feedback on specific concerns and tour requests.

You can use this insight to tailor experiences and services to meet individual needs. Whether it’s bringing their little ones along, focusing on favorite animals, or aligning with conservation efforts- adding a personal touch can add depth and meaning to the experience.

5. Integration with Other Services

Save guests from long queues. Let them order meals in advance and pick them up when they arrive.

Modern zoo reservation systems also offer seamless integration of services such as parking, dining, gift shops, and special events. Visitors get a better experience with this since they can manage everything in one place.

For example, guests can book a parking spot, a table at the restaurant, or pre-order a souvenir in your gift shop all in one place. Visitors will be happier! And you'll get extra revenue from upsells and cross-promotions.

Online ticketing software like TicketingHub can also connect you with integrations like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Facebook Pixel for smarter marketing campaigns. With these data, you can make informed decisions to further improve the current visitor experience.

6. Maximizing Sales with Dynamic Pricing and Season Passes

Dynamic pricing is one of our strategies to help zoo owners adjust ticket prices according to visitor numbers, upcoming events, and seasons. With it, you can offer cost-effective season passes during off-peak periods, bringing in more visitors and keeping revenue steady.

By leveraging TicketingHub's dynamic pricing, zoos not only save time on manual price changes, but maximize sales while adapting to market demands.

7. Engaging Visitors with Automated Message Broadcasts

keep guests engaged with automated trip reminders
Stay in touch with guests with automated trip reminders.  

Guest communication before arrival helps create a welcoming atmosphere at the zoo. And TicketingHub can help you with that. You can make use of the message broadcast feature that lets you send automated notifications to all guests via SMS or email.

For example, you can update them about upcoming zoo tours with tips like what to bring and what to expect. This tool is also handy when there are exhibit changes or even special offers in the gift shop.

By keeping visitors informed and engaged during their visit, you can boost their overall satisfaction and likelihood of recommending the zoo to others.

8. Supercharge Your Online Presence with a Customer Review Funnel

ask guests for their zoo experience

And lastly, a stellar reputation is everything. Still, your tours will get some bad reviews. Especially when you're just starting out.

This is why we have crafted a customer review funnel tool. This feature smartly filters good and bad reviews.

Our clients use this along with the message broadcast tool. So they set up automatic direct feedback requests after tours. And from there, customers can simply leave their reviews through the given link.

Whenever you get a good review, it goes to sites like TripAdvisor, Google Business, and other chosen sites. Negative feedback go directly to your TicketingHub dashboard. This way, you can settle things privately.

This strategy keeps a regular flow of positive reviews coming in, which can help you attract visitors and boost your online credibility. Reviews also provide valuable insights into customer satisfaction and demographics, so you can improve guests' experiences even more.


Smart zoo reservation systems like TicketingHub are changing how zoos work and engage with visitors. By using advanced features that make ticket sales easier, enhance guest experiences, and increase operational efficiency, these ticket booking systems make sure every visit goes smoothly. Why not take advantage of these innovative zoo solutions?

Make Life Easier and Sell More Zoo Tickets with TicketingHub!

Experience the difference with TicketingHub today and take your zoo to the next level of visitor satisfaction and business efficiency. Explore our features and see how we can make your zoo experiences even better.

Book your free demo here

More helpful reads for zoos:

FAQ Section

1. How can zoo reservation systems improve visitor satisfaction levels?

  • Easy Online Ticketing: Visitors can buy tickets online using their preferred currency and payment method.
  • Quick Entry: Turnstiles and QR code scanning at the entrance reduce waiting times.
  • Enhanced Communication: Automatic notifications keep guests informed about trip reminders and promotions.
  • Convenient Pre-Purchases: Guests can order meals or merchandise ahead of time for easy pickup during their visit.

These features collectively help optimize visitor flow and enhance the overall visitor satisfaction during zoo visits.

2. What impact do online reviews have on prospective customers visiting our zoo?

Research by Dixa reveals that 93% of customers read online reviews before making a purchase. Positive experiences lead to 47% of customers sharing their experience, while 95% will share a negative experience widely.

Online Reviews Shape Customer Perceptions

Given these statistics, it's clear that online reviews really affect a customer’s perception of a brand. This makes managing online reputation super important for zoo operators and local businesses, especially on platforms like Google My Business, TripAdvisor, and Facebook Pages.

TicketingHub Makes Online Reputation Management Easy

To assist with this, TicketingHub offers the Customer Review Funnel Tool. This innovative tool, combined with our message broadcast feature, automates the process of sending feedback requests post-visit. Positive reviews are automatically shared on your selected review sites, enhancing your zoo’s online presence.

What about bad reviews?

If a review is negative, it's directed to your TicketingHub dashboard, allowing you to address concerns privately. This approach not only helps resolve issues discreetly but also provides insights into which aspects of your operations may need improvement.

Is it effective?

The effectiveness of this tool is evident in its impact on clients like City Belfast Tours. Their success story, detailing how the tool transformed their customer interaction and online reputation, can be read in their case study.

Takeaway: Actively manage your online reviews. With it, you can boost your online reputation and get more people into your zoo.

3. How does integrating a booking system benefit our zoo’s operational efficiency and guest services?

  • Automates Operations: Modern ticketing software like TicketingHub streamline inventory management and web sales, saving you time and reducing costs.
  • Enhances Planning: Allows for better resource allocation by analyzing visitor demographics and managing peak times.
  • Improves Guest Services: Minimizes queues and wait times for a seamless admission process, which frees your staff and makes guests' visits more enjoyable.

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